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How to Tell if Your Wisdom Teeth Will Need to Be Removed

emergency dental services

How to Tell if Your Wisdom Teeth Will Need to Be Removed

If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed yet, you’ll want to avoid having them taken care of through emergency dental services. It’s always better to have this procedure taken care of during a scheduled appointment. According to Vox, an estimated five million people have their wisdom teeth removed every year. Let’s take a look at a few of the signs that appear when it’s time for you to have a wisdom tooth extraction.

Bleeding Gums

Whenever you experience persistent bleeding in your gums, it can be a sign of a serious problem. The cause could be medical, such as a vitamin deficiency, or physical, like an impacted wisdom tooth. Whatever the cause may be, it’s important to have any bleeding gums checked out as soon as possible. Taking immediate action can help you avoid the need for unwanted emergency dental services.

Ongoing Sinus Problems

It might sound surprising, but if you keep experiencing sinus issues, it could be a sign that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. There are many causes of sinus problems, and they all warrant a visit to the doctor. After your doctor performs their examination, they’ll be able to provide you with guidance on what to do next. There’s no need to hesitate when it comes to having any medical concern checked out, which is especially true when it comes to your sinuses and teeth. These issues tend to worsen without treatment rather than improving. Be sure to receive medical attention for any ongoing sinus problems.

Cavities and Infections

Are you experiencing repetitive infections in your mouth? Or maybe you keep getting cavities even though you haven’t changed any of your dental hygiene habits. Anytime you’re experiencing discomfort, pain, infections, and bleeding in your mouth or gums, you need to seek medical care as soon as possible. Don’t postpone receiving treatment, as infections can move deeper into your gums and jaw, and could even reach into your bones. Any time you have an infection be sure to have it treated right away before it develops into an even more serious medical issue.

If you need a wisdom tooth extraction, emergency dental services, or any type of dental care, contact us today. Our team is proud to serve our local community, and we look forward to welcoming you to our practice soon!