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Getting Help for a Dental Emergency

dental emergency

Getting Help for a Dental Emergency

A dental emergency can be defined as any dental event that comes on suddenly and that causes severe pain. Dealing with a dental emergency as soon as possible is the best way to ensure that you minimize damage and discomfort quickly.

An emergency dentist will see patients on short notice and outside of normal business hours in the event of an unforeseen oral event. By seeking out an emergency dentist, you’ll be able to preserve the health of your teeth.

Dental Emergency Causes

Sadly, most American adults only see their dentist once every three years. A lot can go wrong when your dental appointments are spread out that far apart. That said, a dental emergency can crop up at any time. In some cases, the emergency is brought about by trauma to the teeth; at other times, it may be due to a problem caused by improper care.

An injured tooth can often be saved with the latest dental technology, but time is of the essence. Let’s say you bite into something hard and break a tooth. Once the tooth is broken, it becomes a haven for bacteria that causes decay and may make you prone to further damage. The sooner you get the repair done, the better chance you have of saving the tooth.

One of the biggest reasons patients seek out the emergency dentist for a dental emergency is because dental decay has been left untreated. Even a small cavity left unchecked can wind up causing big problems down the road. Once a cavity gets into the interior of the tooth, a simple filling may no longer provide a solution. It may be necessary to have a root canal or other procedure performed instead. Unchecked decay can cause an infection deep in the tooth and spread into the soft tissue of the mouth and bone.

When Should You Seek Emergency Dental Treatment?

Consider visiting the emergency dentist Las Vegas dental patients trust for focused dental care if you are experiencing any of these problems:

  • Any type of dental pain
  • Swelling of the face
  • Trauma to the mouth

In all cases of a dental emergency, you want to move quickly to get to the dentist. Time can be a very important factor in whether the tooth can be saved or not, and of course, decreasing pain. Get the care you deserve from an emergency dentist.