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6 Circumstances Under Which Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

tooth extractions

6 Circumstances Under Which Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Tooth extractions are one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. It is a dental option primarily carried out by an oral surgeon that involves the removal of a tooth from its socket. However, general dentists and periodontists can also perform the procedure as part of their dental practice.

The goal for most dental offices is to keep your teeth healthy and intact for as long as possible. It is safe to say that most tooth extractions are often used as a last resort. Here are six circumstances that may push your Las Vegas emergency dentist to recommend a tooth extraction.

1. Severe Tooth Decay

According to the National Health Interview Survey by the CDC, 13.2% of children aged 5-19 and 25.9% of adults aged 20-44 have untreated dental caries. Tooth decay is a huge problem in the US, being twenty times more common than diabetes and five times more common than childhood Asthma. Extreme cases of tooth decay may necessitate the local dentist to extract the tooth. The widespread decay may produce an abscess in the bone, necessitating tooth extractions.

2. Periodontal Disease

Gum disease results from infections caused by oral bacteria, which also causes tooth decay. If untreated, periodontitis may result in gum recession, bone damage, and eventual tooth loss. Spaces and small pockets in areas surrounding the teeth can attract bacterial action, compounding the problem. Gum disease may weaken the teeth, leaving the family dentist with two options, extraction or waiting for them to fall out. To prevent the loss of the other teeth, you may need to remove the affected ones.

3. Trauma

Accidents, whether falls or in sports, can result in chipped teeth, cracked teeth, or broken teeth. The patients may require emergency dental care procedures to protect their oral health. At times, the brute force is so much that it dislodges the teeth. While saving your teeth is the first option, tooth extractions may be necessary if the teeth may bring infections.

4. Crowded Teeth

Tooth extraction for one or several teeth may be necessary to treat overcrowding. Orthodontic treatments may necessitate the removal of teeth to create enough room for teeth to move and realign. If you or your child need to wear braces to correct overcrowding, your family dentist may need to remove some teeth.

5. Wisdom Teeth Issues

Over five million Americans have their wisdom teeth extracted each year, spending over $3 billion. Your wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, are harder to clean, leaving them prone to oral infections that necessitate tooth extractions. Additionally, you may also have impacted wisdom teeth-a condition where the teeth fail to erupt from their position fully. The teeth stuck in the gums cause inflammation and attract bacterial action. In such cases, your family dentist may recommend the removal of the impacted teeth.

6. Immune System Issues

Patients taking cancer drugs may develop infected teeth that require extraction. Besides, radiation treatment to the head and neck may necessitate the removal of the teeth in the field of radiation.

Tooth extractions are often viewed as a measure of last resort but may be necessary under certain circumstances. To find out if you require a tooth extraction, contact Hudson Family Dental. Our family dentists will be happy to answer any queries that you may have and schedule your procedure.